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News and events
Dishes of the day
Dishes of the day
Dishes of the day
Adjapsandal in Azerbaijani style
Appetizing medallions of tender beef tenderloin with selected fried Baku vegetables.
Served with sumac and fragrant Baku greens.
415 g   •  162 kcal / 100 g
Ingredients: beef tenderloin, eggplant, bell pepper, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetable oil, butter, parsley, dill, cilantro, spices, pepper, salt
Piti soup in Baku style
Rich Azerbaijani soup cooked in a traditional earthenware pot of lamb on the bone, with the addition of dried plums, cherry plums and chickpeas.
Served in a clay pot with chopped onion, sumac and dried mint.
500 g   •  132 kcal / 100 g
Ingredients: lamb, mutton fat tail, tomatoes, chickpeas, albukhara (dried plum), cherry plum, red onion, saffron, spices, sumac, mint, pepper, salt
Soyutma lamb soup
Traditional Azerbaijani spicy soup made from tender boiled lamb meat and selected Baku vegetables.
Served with fragrant Baku greens and garlic sauce.
340 g / 60 g   •  288 kcal / 100 g
Ingredients: lamb pulp, lamb shank, tomatoes, garlic sauce, albuhara (dried plum), parsley, dill, cilantro, pepper, spices, salt